Chen Xizhen

Chen Xizhen, also known by the pen name Chen Lan, became a widow 25 years ago and has been raising her daughter Liu Mengyuan on her own. Mengyuan was diagnosed with autism at the age of 4 and only started speaking at the age of 6. Chen Xizhen currently holds the position of a special consultant at the Sichuan Zhongtong Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital. She is also a traveling lecturer on autism and Asperger’s syndrome for campuses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, a Seed Lecturer for the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, an autism therapist, a recipient of the Taiwan Great Love Award, a recipient of the National Extraordinary Motherly Love Award in Taiwan, one of Taiwan’s Top Ten Outstanding Loving Mothers, a supervisory trainer for special children’s organizations on both sides of the Strait, a special consultant for the Tianjin Xingtong Inclusive Education Center, a special consultant for the Longquan Yiz Special School in Sichuan, an enterprise mentor and social instructor at Donghai University, the founding chairperson of the Taichung City Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome Promotion Association, chairperson of the Taiwan New Immigrant Cross-Strait New Thinking Economic, Trade and Cultural Association, director of the Dongpu News Taichung Interview Center, and president of the International News Perspective Newspaper.

She is the founder of the Shenzhen Xin Hai Special Children’s Rehabilitation Center, the founder of the Fujian Pingtan Slow-Flying Angel Special Children’s Rehabilitation Center, and a nationally certified second-level psychological counselor. She frequently participates in radio programs and advocacy work on both sides of the Strait and among special groups. As of September 2023, she has been invited to conduct 1,363 training sessions and advocacy lectures in both Taiwan and the United States. Her boundless energy and inspiring speeches have deeply touched parents and teachers of autistic children on both sides of the Strait. She is humorous, optimistic, and enthusiastic, often saying that she is thankful for the extra years she has been given and she makes the most of every day, every moment, and every second of her life, helping the parents around her to overcome their challenges.

As her daughter continues to grow and undergo qualitative transformations, she has now become Taiwan’s piano princess. Professor Zou Xiaobing, a leading authority in Taiwan, has referred to her as a “treasure of Taiwan,” and Professor Guo Yanqing of Peking University’s Sixth Hospital has highly praised Liu Mengyuan. Chen Teacher has always pursued a natural and life-oriented approach, making teaching a part of everyday life and leading to an experience of the emotional connection between children and their parents: parents find that their children have improved, and their smiles have multiplied.

Teacher Chen Xizhen’s philosophy is to accompany with heart and grow together. Through natural guidance in everyday life and life-oriented teaching, every scene in daily life becomes a platform for guiding children. She imparts knowledge to parents with down-to-earth case studies and practical experience, accumulating years of experience and conveying the most genuine, practical hope and knowledge to parents. This helps them become star parents, leading their children out of isolation, breaking down the barriers of autism, and guiding them toward continuous success and a joyful life.

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